IT WAS INTERESTING … this week, to watch students engage because they wanted to learn or disengage because they felt as though the exercise was beneath them.
I ENJOY WATCHING … students make discoveries or try really hard to master concepts. Felicity said, strait-up, that she has done this work with me over the years, and she feels like it may finally be making sense (my fault - not hers), and she really wants to make certain she’s on the right track. AUDITIONS HAPPEN IN CLASS … not the day of the audition. This is the time when I’m casting and thinking about people to play roles in shows. I’m even picking my Shakespeare play based on what I’m seeing from students. The audition is happening now. Showing up to the literal audition is just a hoop that shows me you’re interested and committed. Needless to say ... I’m learning a lot. Comments are closed.
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November 2024
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