IT'S BEEN A WHILE … since I’ve written. I get so caught up in putting on a show that I often don’t take the time to share my thoughts (not that anyone, aside from Tralee, is all that interested anyway). Maybe I could find a ChatGPT setting that writes for me, then I’d just edit it... but who knows. Anyway, I’m back today.
I BEGAN TO FADE … I’m not sure what happened, but I found myself slipping into a creative slump. It was strange. It wasn’t that I lacked ideas—there’s always something I want to try—but the joy seemed to vanish. Ideas would come, but I’d meet them with a kind of detached “Cool, that solves that problem... next.” It felt dismissive. I think I was telling myself, “It’s just St. George. They probably won’t get it anyway.” But then… I ATTENDED DESIGNER CON … over the weekend. Designer Con is an annual art and design convention that blends collectible toys, designer goods, and urban, underground, and pop art. It spans over 200,000 sq. ft. and features more than 700 vendors, artists, art and custom shows, and live demonstrations. DCon reminded me how much I love art—and how, in my own small way, I’m contributing to the creative landscape. “DON’T STOP WHEN YOU’RE TIRED … stop when you’re done.” The first time I heard that quote, it was from Kobe Bryant. This last week with getting up at 5am, running through the day trying to get done what I can, and rehearsals, by the time I get home I’m dead. But there’s still so much to do! I’ve got to do better next week at pushing through it all until I’m “done” not just “tired.”
I LOVE THE INTRICACY … of it all; the minute elements that come together to create a great performance. A performance that is unique, personal, active, raw, engaged, and ultimately beautiful or what I want to believe is “truth.” A punctum of sorts. For some of my classes, working toward that goal feels more like pulling teeth. I hate those days. They don’t have to love it like me – but aren’t they curious about the possibilities? ON THE OTHER HAND … I have a handful of freshman and sophomores, a few more juniors, and quite a few more seniors that are truly great. They’re on the verge of something special. How do I help them while not singling them out and making others feel like they’re less? Maybe, I need to be better about pulling them aside and telling them how they are doing. I always work on fixing – I have to remind myself to also work on reinforcing. JULIUS CAESAR … auditions in the middle of Homecoming Week?! Was this a good idea? I’m not certain, but I couldn’t have been happier with the people who showed interest. I love this quote, “Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people – the ones who really belong in your life – will come to you. And stay.” Replace the word “life” with “production.” That’s how I feel about who shows up.
IF I COULD FIGURE OUT … how to help someone when they’re stuck in a melody, I’d be a rich man. Instead, I’m just frustrated that they can’t hear it. I BELIEVE … that the joy of acting is in the choices. You must imagine what your partner is thinking and work on changing that. If you’ve decided it must sound a certain way every time, is there really an active target that you’re navigating or are you just acting for yourself? That’s the difference between a pro and the rest … I think. “GAVIN NOTES” … became this way of saying, give it to me straight. But over the years I’ve questioned its validity, primarily in group settings. The tougher thing is riding the line between what you need and what you can take. There will always be notes … always. I may just have to think about that one for a while.
JULIUS CAESAR … I can’t wait! I’ve researched the Donmar Warehouse production, and while I think the creativity and thought behind it is impressive, I also think that it misses the mark … a lot. The performances are beautiful, and the director is fantastic, but it’s my turn! FRIDAY WAS THE BEST … If I could spend every day of the week directing, I would be the happiest duck on the pond. I can’t wait for the next Studio Day! (I’m so behind on getting these posted …)
I’M SO BAD … at telling students when they are doing great work. I feel like I spend most of my life looking for what’s not working. I need to be better at pointing out what IS working. SO MUCH REPETITION … can become monotonous – but the same thing could be said for lifting weights. Lift, then lift again the next day, then lift again the next day, then … (continue forever) and you get stronger. I find the repetition fun because each time I’m trying to push harder or do better than the last time that I was in the gym. But how do I get students to feel the same way about acting? I LOVE THIS … so much. But I love lots of things! I’m certain that I have students who think, “I can’t be as intense about acting as Kyle.” But the problem with that statement is that it’s not just acting. I am intense about lots of things. Students just happen to encounter me while I'm engaged in the “acting” part. This week was pretty much taken over by organizing and prepping for BLAST! So that’s what I’ll focus on:
WITH SO MANY NEW PEOPLE … I wasn’t sure how the event would go. I wasn’t even certain that everyone would show up, I didn’t know everyone well enough to know. But I was more than pleasantly surprised. Not only did they show, but they worked like rock stars to get the show to opening. WOULD WE GET AN AUDIENCE … was a question I kept asking myself throughout the day. Mostly because this is the least students I’ve ever used for this event. Not only did we fill the house, we pushed past capacity. Which is a pretty great problem to have. I CAN’T IMAGINE … what this would look like in the hands of any other school. Nobody does this but us, and I don’t think anyone really could. I left on Saturday night, so proud of everyone involved. Was it perfect? No! But it’s not supposed to be. It simply shows what young artists are capable of when adults get out of the way and let them create. MY FAVORITE MOMENT … this week, was hearing Simon say that repetition was making sense and then explain to the class what he was doing. I wish I could take the piece of his brain that gets it and plant it in everyone else.
MY FRUSTRATION IS … that some concepts are just difficult to teach. So, I plug away and keep crossing my fingers. THERE ARE SOME STUDENTS … in my 8th and 9th grade classes that are quiet doers. They don’t have a lot to say right yet, and they’re not quite ready to perform for the class, but as I watch them, I can see that they’re getting it. And they’re really good. IT WAS INTERESTING … this week, to watch students engage because they wanted to learn or disengage because they felt as though the exercise was beneath them.
I ENJOY WATCHING … students make discoveries or try really hard to master concepts. Felicity said, strait-up, that she has done this work with me over the years, and she feels like it may finally be making sense (my fault - not hers), and she really wants to make certain she’s on the right track. AUDITIONS HAPPEN IN CLASS … not the day of the audition. This is the time when I’m casting and thinking about people to play roles in shows. I’m even picking my Shakespeare play based on what I’m seeing from students. The audition is happening now. Showing up to the literal audition is just a hoop that shows me you’re interested and committed. Needless to say ... I’m learning a lot. I FEEL AS THOUGH ... I adapted to the new schedule pretty well. I shortened the warm-up at the beginning of class and kept my "Question of the Day" down to short answers. Games went about as long as I expected, the flow felt pretty good, and overall the students were great.
I'M STRUGGLING ... with the best way to communicate "total listening," but it's a difficult concept to master. I'll cut myself a little slack on this one and keep changing things up. I FAILED ... in one of my classes by providing too much of my own input. They needed to come to their own conclusions and I feel as though I led them a bit more than I should have. I'll do better next week. |
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